
Updated 30th March 2020

We desire to provide the best possible client service that meets our clients’ needs while responding to their concerns promptly. We use the following methods to communicate directly with clients: email, text messages, voicemail, and WhatsApp. To maintain client confidentiality and be as efficient as possible, we do not communicate with clients via social media.


Changes to Contact Information

As a client, it is your responsibility to notify your tutor promptly of changes to your contact information. 

Class Updates

As a client, you will receive regular updates regarding your online class. These updates, along with any invoices, are generally sent weekly and by email. You may also receive emails documenting significant changes and events that affect your matter.

Phone Calls

We would love to be available to receive every client call personally. However, to maintain a functional and efficient practice, most activities in my day are scheduled ahead of time to ensure full attention. This includes phone calls with clients. Our staff is equipped to handle most routine matters and inquiries, and your call will always be held in the strictest confidence. If your issue requires speaking with us immediately, it is usually more efficient to send a short email. This avoids wasting time by playing phone tag and means that you will get our undivided attention (and not just a quick second between meetings). Scheduled calls will take priority over returning messages and voicemails from unscheduled needs.

Urgent Communications

If the matter is urgent, you should text rather than email. Likewise, if we need to get your attention immediately, we will first text you and then follow up by email.